Support for Workers’ Comp, Disability, and Auto Liability Claims Management

ODG supports workers’ comp, disability, and auto liability claims and medical management with unbiased, evidence-based guidelines that unite payers, providers, and employers in their efforts to confidently and effectively return people to health.

Interested in purchasing a license, upgrading your solution, or requesting support?

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ODG’s configurable evidence-based guidance and integrated, actionable tools provide an exclusive one-stop location for workers’ compensation, disability, and auto liability claim management support. The combined solutions allow users to not only forecast but more importantly, to positively impact claim outcomes while eliminating inconsistent management and delayed decision-making.

Explore the links below to learn about the solutions ODG offers for your market, or watch our Intro to ODG webinars for Workers’ Compensation, Disability, or Auto Injury.

ODG for Workers’ Compensation

ODG for Disability

ODG for Auto Injury

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